Tuesday, 3 January 2017

2017 Travel Wishlist and Link Up

I'm going to limit myself to five because really this list could go on forever. But if someone was paying me to travel here's my list of top dream destinations.

{ErinOutandAbout} 2017 Travel Wishlist

1. Iceland
This has been on the top of my list for a very long time. One of these days I will be able to cross it off.

2. Scottish Islands
I once did a bus tour of the Scottish Highlands and it really was just a teaser of the wilderness that was up there. I need to explore it!

3. Turks and Caicos
Must have a warm destination on a list like this and a place that is super into Canadians? Even better.

4. St. Pierre and Miquelon
You mean I can visit 'France' and just be 25km off the coast of Newfoundland? Buy me a ticket!

5. Japan
Just cause. Who wouldn't want to see Japan? A friend of mine recently went and her pics made me super jelly!

{ErinOutandAbout} 2017 Travel Wishlist

At the beginning of each month, I like to take part in the monthly travel link up hosted on the incredible blogs by AngieEmma,  and this month's special co-host Polly. You can join in too by leaving a comment below, checking out other posts on the link up, or adding your own post to the widget now until January 7th.

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